Works in progress
Here are some works that I am creating recently, those works are not finished yet, After they are done I will remove them from this page.
This is a page to show people what new techniques I employed in my paintings.
Sisyphus’s sand castle
In this painting, I started to collect materials from nature.
The sand and the shells are from beach Revere.
The canvas it self is 18 11X14canvases stapled together.
I am also trying to work reductively.
The size of the painting: 42X66 inches
Are we like Sisyphus? When we meet obstacles in our life, do we build our sand castle over and over again?
I used craft materials and oil mediums in this painting.
“The word “Fuck” in Chinese evolved from “肏" to “操".
The initial “肏” means “into flesh" and the recent “操” means “mouth, hand and tree”. In fact it only sounds like the word “肏” and “操” is evolved as a symbol to represent “肏".
It is like now how we use emoji to communicate, but word start to lose its meaning. Does the use of “fuck” is justified because it is used as a way to let out anger instead of having the sexual undertone?
Size of this painting: 75X80 inches.
I want to put sticker on your shoes.
I used tiles and pom poms.
When I was a kid, I have an obsession to put stickers on people’s shoes.
I thought the act of putting sticker is free and make the shoes less boring, but isn’t the stickers also mass produced?
Do we actually have individualities and freedom?
Size of this painting: 4 ftX4 ft.